In order to bless a structure, a 4th level spell, bless structure must be cast with the appropriate magical material component to provide the base bonus.
The effects of these enchantments are due to magical amulets and ward statues mortared within the structures themselves. These bonuses can come in many forms, including strength, AC, saves, temporary hit points, etc.
A common recipient of these blessings are walls, which add bonuses to all those on defense within the walls. This is a great way to achieve mass effects upon entire forces.
Blessings placed in structures are nullified if removed from the structures themselves, for instance if excavated. In these situations, the amulets, statues and other magical items which provided the wards often retain their bonuses, but travel with their new owners. In order for them to bless a new structure, they must be used as material components in the new bless structure invocation.