Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Bale Morrow

Part peatland, part bog, part moor, this region lies to the east of the Ten Princedoms, west of the Flordlands, and north of the Central Valley. In Bale Morrow, the sky is eternally overcast, and the ground moist, making camping difficult. Even the most stalwart travelers find the land uncomfortable.

This region is also infamous as the last known location of many an adventurer. It is said a chill wind passes over Bale Morrow at night, catching wanderers in its icy grip and drowning it in the shallow, murky waters that dot the landscape. Indeed, flying Vs, wargoyles, and even wyrmholes patrol the night skies, and wolves, trolls, and giant caterpillars are known to stalk the grounds.

One reason adventures venture into Bale Morrow is for the unique muds, mosses, and foliage. The bogmoss is a natural curative, and can be harvested to make healing salves and tinctures. Morrow mud is a beauty aid, and the various wildflowers and small shrubberies produce flowers and berries that top the reagent lists of many a mage. Even the still water itself is prized, even though it is a low-grade poison if consumed.

It is rumored that there are settlements toward the center of Bale Morrow, but none in the known world has made it both to and from the center of the vast region.

Approaching the vast mix of bog and peat from the west, the last tree before Bale Morrow is known as Lone Tree, and it is avoided by birds and animals of all types. It is as if they can sense the corruption in the land. Poisoned by the waters that have seeped into its roots, Lone Tree has not had leaves upon its branches in years.

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