1 Driveway
a,b Brush Piles
2 Entry
3 Foyer
4 Dining Hall
5 Hallway
6 Storage
7 Kitchen
8 Pantry
9 Training Hall
10 Training Hall
11 Meeting Room
12 Trophy Room
13 Sitting Room
14 Mud Room
15 Back Patio
16 Stables
17 Shed
18 Mausoleum
19 Graveyard
OverviewPresented here is the first floor of the interior of Castle Stieglitz. Here characters will meet the Baron in the castle and learn his history, and what must be done to save him and restore glory to the castle which requires having him right his wrongs with the help of his disbanded men.
The castle has been looted by fleeing servents & factions, but the wine steward remains (who is aware of something creepy in the cellar!), as are two remaining servants, who spend their days foraging for food in and around the kitchen, and their evenings huddled for safety in the stables.
The mausoleum is full of ghosts who wander the graveyard wailing to the baron and who flee if attacked.
There are two routes for resolution:
1) diplomacy checks to convince the baron to hold the festival (atonement) and diplomacy checks or tasks to put the army back together
2) defeat the baron and the undead at the castle. Put Anna in as the new baroness (with the help of a local preist to make it official) and put down the other armies.
Additional Background: Several months ago the Baron Stieglitz witnessed the violent assault and murder of one of his servants by the drunken kennel master. Instead of stopping the crime he hid in the shadows and watched the whole scenario. When the vile kennel master tried to skulk away undetected the Baron stabbed him in the back. He then took the body of the servant girl to his room and locked himself in. Overcome with the guilt of experiencing pleasure at witnessing such a horrific event, he contemplated the monster he truly was. He shed tears over the girls bruised face and lay down beside her to join her in the afterlife. After several days with out food and water his vitality diminished and he closed his eyes for the sleep of eternity. But the Baron did not die. His body stirred again. His corrupted spirit lived beyond death and refused to give up it's mortal host. The Baron Stieglitz had become a wight.
1 DrivewayThis brick-inlaid driveway framed by diseased trees leads from the road to Castle von Stieglitz. The path is slightly overgrown with weeds, and large piles of brush decorate both halves of the front lawn. The castle rises in the distance, a wide stone structure with a central tower made from the grey granite of the surrounding mountains.Creatures: Thousands of ravens inhabit the grounds, mostly living in the trees. They will follow the party as they make their way about the grounds.
1a,b Brush Piles
Piles of brush have been left here to rot, including entire branches of the shorn trees. Ravens circle in the sky above the piles.Creatures: Dire Rats(6), detected with a listen check DC 15. In addition, brush mites may infest the characters' equipment, making them itchy and generally uncomfortable during their stay in the castle.
Tactics: Unless detected earlier, the dire rats spring from the piles as the last character walks past attacking en masse!
2 Entry
The enormous Castle von Stieglitz offers an impressive counterpoint to the distant mountains surrounding this broad valley. Atop a slightly inclining hill, its stonework glows in the afternoon sun. Normally a festive occasion, the castle grounds are abnormally quiet for this St. Zyekni's Day. The trees within the complex are early in their barrenness, despite the planned celebration of autumn harvest season. There is no welcoming party, save a flock of ravens perched by the hundreds in the defoiled arbors. Other ravens pirouette about the main steps, rending pieces of cloth from one another's beaks.
Two heavy wooden doors adorned with the Stieglitz coat of arms - a ship above three coins in a chevron - are framed by an arch.If the characters approach the ravens, they fly off, landing on the multi-stepped rooftops of the giant stone structure, calling out to their brethren. If the characters examine the cloth, they notice that it was once a tunic, but there is no sign of the disrobed. Once the characters approach the doors with the intent of opening them, a breeze picks up and the doors creak open slightly.
Creatures: Swarm of Ravens (hundreds), though they will not attack unless attacked themselves or the characters enter the castle.
Tactics: If attacked, the ravens swarm fiercely in groups of 30 or 40 per party member. When they enter the castle, the ravens swarm at them. Luckily they cannot open the castle doors. Unluckily, the wind may, if they are not properly fastened or barricaded.
3 FoyerThis open hall . The doors at the far end open and close in the breeze. Staircases rise on either hand before meeting in a landing on the south end of the hall. Orange light streams through a stained-glass window, illuminating the intricate marble floor now marred with scuffmarks from many heavy things being dragged across its surface. Archways open two to the east and two to the west.4 Dining HallLight filters in through the dusty curtains covering the floor to ceiling windows in this once lavish dining room. Dust several layers thick covers the long wooden table that dominates this room. The tablecloth has been been partially removed and spills off one side of the table onto the floor. A couple of wilted floral arrangements that were once centerpieces have been knocked over and lie in disarray. There are cobwebs decorating the chandaliers, and chairs are conspicuously absent from the room. Clean patches of the floor and walls remain where once there were tapestries and rugs.The door near the back wall is locked. If the PC's manage to unlock it, they will discover that the door across the hall to the pantry is locked and also has a large pile of broken furniture covering the doorway.
Creatures: Rats (30).
Tactics: The rats scurry away from the party.
5 HallwayThis narrow hallway is dark, dusty, and filled with cobwebs. There are 2 doors along one wall, one open one not. Through the open door you can see the dining room. There are 3 doors running down the other side of the hallway, 2 are open, the third has a pile of broken furniture stacked up against it.Treasure: Among the broken furniture, the party finds a few religious relics from local shrines and chapels.
6 StorageThe smell of spoiled food lingers in the air in this dark storage room. Vermin scurry into hiding in the darkness. This room contains pieces of broken furniture and filthy clothes lie in disarray on the floor.
7 KitchenThe smell of a recently cooked meal permeates the air. The hearth gives off a welcome warmth. A dusting of flour on the floor reveals foot prints. There are some dirty pots on the washstand along the southern wall.
Creatures: The party may encounter one of the 3 remaining servants cooking a meal at the hearth. The servant flees when the party arrives. A DC 10 survival check reveals 3 different persons footprints in the flour.
8 Pantry
A table lies on its back in the center of the room, a stack of gravestones on top of it. A corner of a wooden trapdoor is visible along its edge. Development: If the party heads down into the trapdoor, and they haven't met the servants, the servants close the trapdoor and drag the table back atop it, trapping the party in the cellar. A DC 25 strength check is required to open the trapdoor. Cries for help will eventually bring the remaining servants to investigate. They will not open the trapdoor until they verify the party means them no harm, which may require the party disposing of the undead.
a. Cellar
b. Wine Cellar
9 Training Hall (there's a door from here to 11 that's not here yet)
Straw training dummies lie strewn about the room, the victims of some spontaneous pinata party. A large straw mat -- nearly the size of the room -- covers the center of the parquet floor. The room is otherwise completely spartan.10 Training Hall
This room is completely empty, save random strands of straw that lead off in every direction along the parquet floor.11 Meeting Room
A large table adorns the far corner of this room, over which is hung a map of the surrounding countryside. Pins mark regions close to the castle, including Onuago, the Swft River Crossing Inn and Talook. One region of the map -- close to the eastern edge of the Old Bay -- has been torn off.The area that has been removed from the map is Harpy Point. Characters who make a Local Geography check DC15 will recognize this.
Treasure: The map may be worth something, especially since there are clues leading to a pirate treasure on the back side. Unfortunately, the missing area of the map contains one half of the riddles.
12 Trophy RoomThe fireplace at the back end of this room signifies a space that once displayed hunting trophies. Wooden stands lie empty, pilfered of the furs and taxidermied animal corpses.If the characters search the fireplace, they find the remains of burnt books with barely legible writing scribbled in the interior margins. One book appears to be a history of the once proud Stieglitz family, but there is not enough remaining text to tell any complete story. If the characters present these remains to the Stieglitz ghosts, they will tell more of their stories.
13 Sitting Room
This room is full of thrashed furniture with major pieces missing.
A few copper pieces are all that remain inside one of the cushions. All other treasures have been removed from the castle.
14 Mud RoomThis tiny room serves as the space between the back west wing of the castle and the north side of the castle. A wooden door frame in search of a door provides a view of the back patio.15 Back Patio
Rows of what were once poplars extend from the the back patio, extending along the border to the back of the estate. A plane of fitted stones once made for a cozy patio space, but they are now overgrown with lichen and moss has collected in the spaces in between. A brick-inlayed path leads north between the trees, making for a once formal garden. Gnarly bushes lines the walk, overgrown and under-foliated. The baying of wolves can be heard off in acres of forest behind the estate.
Creatures: If the characters wander too far into the woods, a pack of dire wolves are likely to descend upon them. Dire Wolves (8-10).
16 Stables
These stables no longer house horses or carts, both of which are long gone. The stables are relatively spartan, save a pair of hay bales set up as twin makeshift beds, covered with blankets and leather sacks.
Treasure: The sacks are filled with gold flakes and scraps of tapestries, linens and a few pieces of tarnished silverware.
17 Shed
A rickety old shed adorns the east end of the estate, its splintered wood a reminder of the eternal entropy at home in this place.If the characters enter, they note various tools and a bale of hay in the center of the room. Rain water has made the hay soggy.
Creatures: A few rats have made their home in a bale of hay in the center of the shed. They scatter once the party opens the door to the shed.
18 MausoleumIf the characters enter the mausoleum with a light source, read or paraphrase the following.
Behind the castle is an outbuilding that serves as a monument to the von Steiglitz family. Multiple generations are buried in the sacred chambers in the mausoleum and on sacred ground in the graveyard. Five sarcophagi line the outer walls of the mausoleum, one along the far wall, and two along each of the two side walls. The walls ooze with a murky jelly.Unfortunately, the denizens of the graveyard are restless, and seek to haunt the Baron until he embraces the family law. These characters from the past will rise up to protect the Baron if the party attacks him. They should heed the warnings of the many generations of paintings on the walls of the castle.
19 Graveyard
An impressive stone edifice occupies a large part of the backyard. Rows of gravestones populate the grounds behind the mausoleum in three neat rows, framed by cherry trees. The carvings on the door of the stone mausoleum indicate a minor fortune spent to honor the dead. The door itself has been left slightly ajar. The door is ajar because it's been used by the Baron's undead ancestors as they wander the castle grounds at night. They have been haunted by their faded family name, and have withered into wights like their corrupt descendant. If the party attacks the Baron, they will rise from their graves, along with the dead from the other graves and shamble to his defense.
Creatures: Wights (5). By night the wights from the mausoleum wander these grounds moaning remonstrations up at the barons window. "St. Zyekni! St. Zyekni!" they groan as clearly as their rotted tongues will allow.
Tactics: The wights are unfriendly to anyone entering and hiss from the shadows and from behind decayed trees, but will not attack unless themselves attacked. The undead family members will not be satisfied until the Baron returns the Castle von Steiglitz to honor. The celebration of St. Zyekni's Day has never before been missed on the castle grounds.