For the next twenty years, Djander researched and developed most of the new magic in Vandor while the kingdom's power waned. During this time, he began to experiment with Time magic. When the king passed, the land split into the Ten Princedoms. In the smallest princedom, the Isle of Trochu, Djander lives today, though he splits his arcane consulting services among all ten princes.
Slightly absent-minded and short-tempered in his old age, Djander remains very active, and occasionally consults on and develops magic items in his working retirement. In his consulting position with the king, his successes included:
Medium-size Male Human
Hit Dice: (15d4)
Hit Points: 45
Initiative: -1
Speed: Walk 30 ft.
AC: 11 (flatfooted 11, touch 11)
Attacks: *Dagger +1 +7/+2;*Dagger +1 (Thrown) +7/+2; ;
Damage: *Dagger +1 1d4;*Dagger +1 (Thrown) 1d4+1; ;
Vision: near-sighted, so wears corrective lenses
Face / Reach: 5 ft. / 5 ft.
Special Qualities: Summon Familiar
Saves: Fortitude: +5, Reflex: +4, Will: +14
Abilities: STR 9 (-1), DEX 8 (-1), CON 11 (+0), INT 29 (+9), WIS 21 (+5), CHA 16 (+3)
Skills: Appraise 11; Balance -1; Bluff 3; Climb -1; Concentration 18; Craft (Alchemy) 22; Craft (Untrained) 9; Decipher Script 22; Diplomacy 7; Disguise 3; Escape Artist -1; Forgery 9; Gather Information 3; Heal 5; Hide -1; Intimidate 3; Jump -1; Knowledge (Arcana) 27; Knowledge (Architecture and Engineering) 10; Knowledge (Geography) 12; Knowledge (History) 15; Knowledge (Local) 10; Knowledge (Nobility and Royalty) 27; Knowledge (The Planes) 12; Listen 5; Literacy 1; Move Silently -1; Profession (Bookkeeper) 7; Ride -1; Search 9; Sense Motive 5; Speak Language(Abyssal, Celestial, Draconic, Elven) 4; Spellcraft 29; Spot 5; Survival 5; Swim -1; Use Magic Device 4;
Feats: Craft Construct, Craft Magic Arms and Armor, Craft Wand, Craft Wondrous Item, Empower Spell, Heighten Spell, Improved Familiar, Maximize Spell, Scribe Scroll, Spell Penetration
Challenge Rating: 15
Alignment: Neutral Good
Possessions: Boots of Levitation; Dagger +1; Headband of Intellect +6; Outfit (Scholar's); Periapt of Wisdom +2; Ring of Mind Shielding; Ring of Protection +2; Robe of Useful Items;
Spells: (many, but try asking him for a list!)
Familiar: Charm, Pseudodragon
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